2024 Classes Now Available!
I have been busy planning classes for 2024! I have 7 planned for 2024 so far, and I am hoping to do at least one class a month. The ones planned are all for Saturdays – check out the classes page to see what there is.
Did you know I have a mailing list for all my cake decorating classes? If you’d like to be added to it to, be one of the first to find out and book onto my classes – get in touch and give me your email address!
I’ve also had some people ask if they can book spaces for someone else as a gift – absolutely you can! So if you know someone who would love to come onto one of my classes book them a space and I can create a little certificate for you to give them. Or if you would rather give money towards, I can do that too! Give the gift of an experience this Christmas – they may even share what they make with you (no guarantees though!)